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Anorgasmia (Not Being Able to Have Orgasms)

Orgasm is defined by the process which manifests itself by the rhythmic contractions of the vagina and the uterus after the sexual relation peaks. In this period, sexual pleasure is experienced in its most intense and pleasurable state.

Actually, our brain is our “largest and most important sexual organ” and a woman can experience orgasm without really experiencing any sexual intercourse but by just her own erotic thoughts and stimulating her clitoris.

However, anorgasmia is the state of not being able to have an orgasm.

In people with anorgasmia, although there is sexual stimulation, there is the problem of not achieving an orgasm and this problem may cause in women certain inner troubles. The most frequently seen accompanying complaints are: a person’s feeling bad, losing confidence in herself and depression.

Frequency in orgasm disorder:

In a study regarding the frequency of sexual dysfunctions in normal couples, it has been recorded that 63% of the women have a hard time reaching orgasm, 47% are unable to relax and 35% are indifferent to sexuality. The sexual stimulation adversity is the dysfunction that is most closely related to sexual insatiability.

In a study conducted among middle class couples, it has been determined that 40% of the women have sexual drive issues and experience hardship in reaching an orgasm. Moreover, 83% of the men and women have defined their marriages as happy or very happy and most of the couples have not portrayed their ongoing sexual dissatisfactions as complaints about their marriages.

Causes for anorgasmia:

Most frequent causes in anorgasmia are psychological concerns and among these is the “fear of losing auto control”. Among other psychological factors experienced traumas, a problematic childhood, not to have a healthy and ordered family life, oppressive parents, not to have a good partner or marriage relation, problems encountered in transition to puberty, traumatic sexual experiences and confusions in gender identity can be told.
In less than 5% of the orgasm disorders, there is an underlying organic cause. The causes which we most frequently encounter are: diabetes, chronic alcoholism, certain neurologic disorders and usage of certain medicines.

Cathegorizations in Orgasm Disorders

Random anorgasmia:  It is the case of not being able to achieve an orgasm in certain time periods.

Coital anorgasmia:  It is the case of not being able to achieve an orgasm, during a sexual intercourse, while the penis is inside the vagina, but to have an orgasm through the stimulation of the clitoris by hand (masturbation). The other synonymous definition of it is “clitoral orgasm” and it is the case of achieving an orgasm only through the stimulation of the clitoris.

Premature orgasm:  It is rarely seen in women. This is not a case to complain about for many women. Because women, different than men, can experience multiple orgasms one after another for many times.

Hypersexuality (Satyriasis):  It is the case of experiencing orgasms very frequently in a day. It is a pathology that can be seen in both men and women.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the function of an orgasm?

The real function of an orgasm is to sustain the union achieved bodily between a man and a woman spiritually as well. Thus, it means to live the pleasure and delight at the peaks.

In order to get pregnant, is an orgasm a must?

Although scientifically, in order to get pregnant, orgasm is not a must, recent studies have shown that for the sperms, which are discharged into the vagina with the man’s ejaculation, to reach the fallopian tubes, the contractions resulting from the orgasm of the woman create a “vacuum effect” on the sperms, thus increasing the chances for pregnancy.

Is there anything as “Female Ejaculation”?

During orgasm, the urinary hole (urethra) may open with the rhythmic contractions in the vagina, the uterus and the anus region.

As a result of these rhythmic contractions and the opening of the urethra, there may urine discharges to the outside. This situation is described by some writers as the “female ejaculation or female coming”.

Can vaginismus patients have orgasm by stimulation?

Yes.  Despite the fact that there is no sexual intercourse (penetration) in vaginismus, an orgasm can be reached by the woman herself or her partner through the stimulation of the clitoris by hand.

In very rare cases, there might be sexual coldness experienced together with vaginismus. Generally, with vaginismus, sexual coldness is not encountered, yet in time, with the decreasing number of attempts for an intercourse, reduction in lubrication (dryness) or sexual reluctance might develop.

Can an orgasm be taught to a woman?

Yes. By conducting sexual therapies, a woman can be taught to get more pleasure from a sexual relation, increase sexual satisfaction and reach an orgasm.

To teach someone how to have an orgasm is for example like teaching someone to hold her pee when she needs to pee, and this is possible by developing certain routines.

For the problems of anorgasmia (not being able to achieve an orgasm) or sexual dysfunctions you may ask for an appointment by calling (312) 426 85 25 in our Ankara clinic OR you may directly reach sexual therapist Dr.Süleyman Eserdağ from his cell number (532) 452 06 56.

About UsHera Clinic“A leading center of vaginismus and other sexual problems in Turkey”
+90530 763 3400