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Vaginismus Not Recommended Treatments

Vaginismus Not Recommended Treatments

Methods That Are Not Suggested For Treating Vaginismus

Up until the recent years, the truth about vaginismus has been both a secret among people, not being discussed enough, and also has not been dealt with very enthusiastically by doctors and psychologists.

The number of centers, which has scientific studies about this problem that causes many “related problems” in the family, is very little in Turkey. The media also does not dwell on this issue.

Even many of our educated patients, who applied to Hera Women’s Health Center, stated that they first heard of “vaginismus” only when they themselves encountered it.

Vaginismus patients are considered “a hard group” by most of the gynecologists, psychiatrists and psychologist and their treatments are not much charming.

Unfortunately, even doctors have misinformation and certain incorrect treatments that they apply in this matter.

We Never Suggest These Methods For Treating Vaginismus:

Taking alcohol and then engaging in a sexual relation

A person’s getting drunk with alcohol would not be enough to have a sexual intercourse, and on the contrary, it could disinterest her from sexual intercourse and moreover could hurt her religious beliefs as well. There are such people that by constantly depending on alcohol get addicted to it in this way.

Using antidepressant medicine and other drugs

Even with the medicine that causes dizziness, a vaginismus patient would contract. Antidepressants have many side effects and their usage is necessary only in the cases where there is depression together with vaginismus.

Trying sexual intercourse after taking general anesthesia (sedation)

There are many couples who encounter their first experience of sexual relation by being given general anesthesia (sedation shots) in an examination room environment, very fallaciously lead by a doctor.

However, women suffering from vaginismus, after the effect of sedation passes, once more would refrain from sexual intercourse. Moreover, such attempts may cause people to alienate from a sexual relation.

Trying sexual intercourse after epidural or spinal anesthesia (sedation from the waist)

These kinds of treatments bring more harm than good and break the spirit of people.

Hymenectomy operation (Removal of the hymenal tissue)

Hymenectomy that is applied frequently by many gynecologists to the vaginismus patients is actually an unnecessary procedure and it does not solve the problem but only makes it worse. The reason for this is that, the cause for vaginismus, which is highly psychological, is not the hymen but the involuntary vaginal muscle contractions.

The exceptional cases here are the hymen being thicker and higher edged than normal (rigid hymen) and for the area which is beside the hymen to be extremely sensitive, the case which is called “vulva vestibulitis syndrome”.

Hymenotomy is another operation which is involving the perforation of hymen and it is also not useful for the treatment of  vaginismus generally.  Even these surgical interventions can make people more desperate and unreliable to the scientific treatments.

Both cases can be diagnosed by an experienced gynecologist after a simple gynecological examination and can be cured by the regional removal of the hymen surgically. In no other case, Hymenotomy is advised to vaginismus patients. After such a procedure the problem would not be solved, on the contrary despair and hopelessness would increase.

During choosing a center…

Every attempt that is made according to a doctor’s suggestion and that did not lead to any solution, by bringing in hopelessness and pessimism, would break the faith couples have in the treatment.

This way the problem expands like an avalanche and makes the solution even harder.

Many patients who are not able to reach a solution, in despair and as a last resort, go to hodjas, magicians and charlatans.

Therefore, we advise vaginismus patients to choose after researching the right place and the right treatment method at a center they trust.

About UsHera Clinic“A leading center of vaginismus and other sexual problems in Turkey”
+90530 763 3400