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Diagnosis of Vaginismus

Diagnosis of Vaginismus

Diagnosis of Vaginismus

The diagnosis of vaginismus can be given by an experienced gynecologist after a simple gynecological examination.

This means that women who encounter sexual problems are suggested first of all to go to a gynecologist and get an examination.

Unfortunately some of the women suffering from vaginismus may also be uncomfortable to get an examination from a doctor. Very similar to the situation encountered during sexual intercourse, they might close their legs in panic and get into crying fits.

Trusting the clinician, telling the patient each step of the examination one by one honestly, examination being painless and it to last only for a few minutes, in many cases are sufficient enough to overcome these worries.

Many genital anatomical problems might cause the couples not to be able to enter into a sexual relation and with the diagnosis of this; a person might be prevented to take months or years long of needless psychotherapy.

In vaginismus, which is a sexual dysfunction, during sexual intercourse, because of the contractions at the bottom 1/3 muscles of the vagina, the penis is unable to enter the vagina or enter with a lot of effort and causing pain. Problem stems %90 from certain fears embedded in the subconscious over years.

Meanwhile when the personal medical accounts of the women suffering from vaginismus are heeded, it is observed that these people are not able to insert foreign objects such as pads, tampons or suppositories or insert their fingers into their vaginas (feeling pain in those cases).

A simple gynecological examination after listening to the medical account of the person, provides the definite diagnosis.

In the non psychological part of the causes of vaginismus most frequently are:

Vulvar Vestibulit Syndrome (VVS)

Vestibulit syndrome that manifests itself with the pain inflicted by touching the vaginal entrance, extreme sensuality and rashes is the most frequent organic cause of vaginismus and dyspareunia (painful sexual intercourse).

Although the cause for Vulvar Vestibulit is currently unknown for sure, after a gynecological examination it can be easily diagnosed by an experienced gynecologist. The only treatment is the removal of that area by a simple surgical operation.

PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)

The internal genital system, leaving aside the uterus, is comprised of tubes at both sides and the ovaries. The epithelium that covers the inside of the uterus is called the “endometrium”. Although there are many microbes in the vagina, the endometrium, the tubes and the ovaries are sterile, thus bereft of microbes completely. The reason for this is the effect of the cervix organ almost as a strainer.

The intense infections in the vagina might cause infections in the cervix and in time cause the microbes to move into the uterus and from there to the tubes and the ovaries.

The infection in the endometrium is called “endometritis”, infection in the tubes “salpingitis” and the one in the ovaries “oophoritis” and all of these infections are in the definition of “pelvic inflammatory disease” (PID). Pelvic inflammatory diseases might cause pain and twinges during sexual intercourse.

Bartholinitis and Bartholin’s Cyst: Bartholin’s glands located at both sides of the vaginal entrance (right and left) are responsible for the lubrication of the vaginal channel by the secretions they secrete during sexual intercourse.

This gland has a hollowness that produces secretion and a thin channel that carries the secretion to the vaginal channel. As a result of an occlusion in this thin channel of the gland, as the secretion in it accumulates, the gland swells and in the vaginal entrance (usually at one side) a mass can be felt. This mass is called the “Bartholin’s Cyst”.

As the Bartholin’s Cyst is infected by the microbes reproducing in it in time, there forms Bartholin’s abscesses (Bartholinitis) appearing as swelled and with rashes and causing pain.

Vaginal Fungal (Yeast) Infection (Candida Vaginitis)

Candida type fungal infections can be seen frequently in women and cause symptoms such as vulvo-vaginal itching, rashes, inflammation, inflammation and pain during sexual intercourse and swelling in the genital area (edema).

The most widely encountered infection among Candida infections is the “Candida Albicans” and a woman, at least once if not more, encounters an infection in her life for sure.

An infection can be diagnosed after a simple gynecological examination and can be easily treated.

Congenital Anatomical Obstacles

Among anatomical obstacles there are short and blind vagina, septum on the vagina wall, thick, hard and high edged hymen (rigid hymen). Certain congenital abnormalities of the vagina collected under the name of “Mullerian agenesis” are very rare and can be mended through certain operations.

The case of the hymen to be thicker, harder and higher edged than normal is a problem that can be solved in the examination room environment by the surgical operation of removing the hymen.

In normal, in vaginismus treatments, we advise the removal of the hymen procedure (Hymenotomy). We rarely encounter problems regarding the structure of the hymen.

The organic causes of vaginismus can be treated by a gynecologist by medicine or simple operations. This way, without adhering to needless psychological treatments, the problem can be overcome.

About UsHera Clinic“A leading center of vaginismus and other sexual problems in Turkey”
+90530 763 3400