Although it is considered that there is going to be less interest in sexuality with menopause, this situation is caused mostly by the psychological factors that are formed by menopause.
A woman worries that together with menopause, she is going to lose her body image and lose her female functions. This way, as she thinks that she has no sexual attraction anymore, she may lose her interest in sexuality as well.
In reality changes occurring with menopause, are not really the way most people think. As menopause is not the starting of old age, it is also not the end of womanhood. Becoming conscious of these facts, sexuality in menopause can be experienced freely “without the risk of becoming pregnant”. Usually, with the free time available after retirement, the sexual life would be positively affected.
In the further menopause years, if a hormone treatment is not taken, there may be “atrophic changes” in the genitalia due to aging. As a result of these changes, there may be complaints such as, vaginal dryness, thinning in the vagina mucosa and pain and bleeding during sexual intercourse.
Systematic and local hormone-replacement therapy treatments that are going to be applied will be able to provide a state of amelioration by dispelling these atrophic changes in the urogenital system.
Again, this painful sexual relation may cause the woman to lose interest in sexual relation. However, to know that these kinds of complaints can be easily treated, would be important to not to suffer from them needlessly.
As well as the decrease in the sexual desire may be the result of certain diseases that emerge at these ages, some medicines that are used may cause sexual reluctance too.
Most frequently encountered sexual complaints due to aging and menopause can be summarized as: decrease in the sex drive, painful sexual relation (dyspareunia),decrease in sexual stimulation and response, decrease in vaginal wetness, hardship in achieving an orgasm (anorgasmia) and lessening of genital sensuality.
Decrease in lubrication and hampering of the sensuality are related to the low estrogen levels. Low levels of testosterone cause decreases in sexual stimulation, genital sensuality, libido and orgasms.
Certain treatments can be applied in menopause in order to liven up sexual life again and increase the sexual desires. These are:
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