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Our Scientific Studies About Vaginismus

Our Scientific Studies About Vaginismus

In our clinic “Hera Women’s Health Center” , sexual education, hypnotherapy (hypnosis treatments),vaginismus and other sexual dysfunction treatments, sex and family therapies are employed by gynecologists and if necessary, with the support of psychologists.

About sexual therapies, Hera Women’s Health Center is one of the “reference centers” in our country (Turkey).

Hypnosis treatments (hypnotherapy),creates in people almost a “state of consciousness” by disclosing all negative thoughts that are unconsciously embedded in the subconscious. Therefore it has special significance in the severe vaginismus treatments.

At our center in Ankara, which has the largest portfolio of patients and totally specializes in the problems of vaginismus and the other sexual dysfunctions, patients who have applied from our country both from Ankara and other places, including Istanbul, have benefited from our treatments and shown their gratitude.

By just wanting to start a treatment and applying to our center, you will have overcome a great step in your treatment.

Our scientific studies about vaginismus

With the cognitive- behaviorist therapy approaches, relaxation exercises and hypnotherapies (hypnosis treatments) that we applied in vaginismus treatments we have a success rate of 100%.

The time spans for our treatments, which are painless, comfortable and easily conducted for our patients, are quite short and we are able to obtain results usually in a week’s time.

I. The successes and the experiences of our center in this topic were first presented in April 20-23, 2005, at the fourth International Reproductive Health and Family Planning Congress that took place in Ankara Bilkent Hotel.

II.In the 10th European Hypnosis Congress (European Society of Hypnosis) (ESH) that took place in Malta in September 17-24, 2005, our oral presentation about “Medical Hypnotherapy in Vaginismus Treatment” has been widely acknowledged.

III.  In the “World Hypnosis Congress” that took place in August 2006 at Mexico, in the workshop applications, our studies conducted in our clinic and especially our 100% success rate in vaginismus treatments were demonstrated and these gained a great deal of interest and appreciation.

IV.  In the 6th National Gynecology and Obstetrics Congress, which has the position of being Turkey’s largest obstetrics congress, took place at Antalya Su Sesi Deluxe Hotel in May 14-19, 2008, and in this congress “our surgical approaches in Vulva Vestibulitis Syndrome and our 100% treatment results” were announced.

V.  Again, in May 14-19, 2008, in the 6th National Gynecology and Obstetrics Congress, analysis of the patients who had applied to our clinic with the vaginismus problem and our 100% treatment results” were presented as scientific reports.

All of these works and results of ours have aroused quite interest and admiration.

As a result, the hypnosis treatments applied additionally to the behavioral therapies and relaxation exercises in vaginismus treatment, are seen as a relatively new treatment concept and they yield quite good results.

Why is a relation important?

While you are reading this article of ours, at the same time you may be keeping up a marriage or a relationship, perhaps without having experienced a sexual relation to its full extent for months or years. In time you may also have developed by yourself certain methods to comfort yourself and parry the problem.

It is not a rare case that the spouses of women suffering from vaginismus, who are not able to live a sexual intercourse entirely and are constantly rejected, in order to adapt, show passive characters in a gradually increasing way.

When the issue at stake is your sexual health and relation, although it is hard for you to hear this while you are suffering from the vaginismus problem, you should understand and accept the importance of the matter that this situation is unhealthy for both you and your spouse and for the continuation of your relation as problem free.

The sexual adversities caused by vaginismus create constant tension and cause many different feelings in the family. Even if the woman experiences the consequences of vaginismus very quickly, it is important to accept that the man, as a result of his position, also experiences certain feelings. Therefore it is crucial to consider vaginismus not just as a women’s problem but as a “couple problem”.

In time, problems may coil up growing and take the marriage to dead ends and unfortunately result in divorces. To decide at once and start a treatment may prevent the web of problems that would thrive and develop otherwise. Thus, one of the main elements of marriage is sexuality.

About UsHera Clinic“A leading center of vaginismus and other sexual problems in Turkey”
+90530 763 3400